And a Chinese startup called LingLong has just released its version for the Chinese market, the LingLongDingDong.
But outside of China the LinglongDingDong has garnered more social media attention for its name than for its technological innovation, with many expressing incredulity.
Uso de dingdong en inglés
I always wanted to know what you do with your dingdong when you wear girl's clothes.
The London-Edinburgh dingdong will continue.
However, Dingdong's latest fundraising and valuation underline optimism about its outlook.
Bobby has dingdonged it into me for days.
And a Chinese startup called LingLong has just released its version for the Chinese market, the LingLong DingDong.
Shanghai-based Dingdong, whose earlier backers include Sequoia China and Qiming Ventures, did not respond to an emailed request for comment.
After the required post-incident time off, I'll be right back here, fifteen minutes late every single day, steering ships and dealing with dingdongs like LaDonna.
But outside of China the Linglong DingDong has garnered more social media attention for its name than for its technological innovation, with many expressing incredulity.